Pinewood Derby Race Day

Light continental breakfast will be provided.  Feel free to bring your own snacks as Race Day tends to take about three hours. 

The Pinewood Derby will take the place of our regularly scheduled Pack Meeting for the month of January.  We look forward to seeing our Scouts compete in our annual event.  Before you and your Scout begin working on your car, please read the rules below to ensure requirements are followed.

Pinewood Derby Rules
*we also follow these rules because if the scouts would like to compete at a further level, their derby car will already be in compliance*

Please also REGISTER your derby car BEFORE you arrive on race day!   EACH person submitting a derby car to race MUST fill out a registration form!

We all know how much fun it is to win, but this is also an opportunity to help our kids learn about sportsmanship.  Let's make sure our kids find pride in DOING OUR BEST!

WE NEED PARENT VOLUNTEERS!  You are an integral part of all that we do, and we can't do it without you.  We are looking for help before, during and after the Event.  Please click on the button below to sign up for a slot.

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